Channel: Unable to programmatically attach file to an email intent using a FileProvider - Stack Overflow
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Unable to programmatically attach file to an email intent using a FileProvider


I'm creating an email intent and attaching a file (using a FileProvider) but the Gmail client reports "impossible to attach the file".

I had this working previously but it's now broken. I didn't change my code (that I'm aware of) but have updated both the OS and the Gmail client.

// Build email IntentUri mailToUri = Uri.fromParts("mailto", "", null);Intent emailIntent = new Intent(Intent.ACTION_SEND, mailToUri);emailIntent.setType("text/plain");emailIntent.addFlags(Intent.FLAG_GRANT_READ_URI_PERMISSION);emailIntent.putExtra(Intent.EXTRA_SUBJECT, "A subject");emailIntent.putExtra(Intent.EXTRA_TEXT, "A body");// Build the attachment URIFile attachFile = new File(aDirectory, aFileName);Uri attachmentUri = FileProvider.getUriForFile(this,                        FILE_PROVIDER_AUTHORITY, attachFile);emailIntent.putExtra(Intent.EXTRA_STREAM, attachmentUri);// Start the share activitystartActivity(emailIntent);// Alternative methods for creating the URI // Uri attachmentUri = Uri.parse("file://"//                   + attachFile.getAbsolutePath());// Uri attachmentUri = Uri.parse("content://"//                   + FILE_PROVIDER_AUTHORITY//                   +"/"+ attachFileName)

Gmail client presents the draft email with subject and body, but reports "impossible to attach the file".

I've also tried using the alternative methods shown for creating the Uri. The first used to work before FileProviders became mandatory. The second fails in the same way as the above code.

There are some Gmail error messages in the LOGCAT:

08-27 17:15:39.463  8972  8972 W Gmail   : Gmail:No collectionId found for event forward08-27 17:15:39.463  8972  8972 W Gmail   : Gmail:No itemId found for event forward08-27 17:15:39.505  8972  8972 W Gmail   : Gmail:No collectionId found for event forward08-27 17:15:39.505  8972  8972 W Gmail   : Gmail:No itemId found for event forward08-27 17:15:39.514  8972  8972 W Gmail   : ComposeActivity:b/119949571:In finishSetup.08-27 17:15:39.515  8972  8972 W Gmail   : Gmail:b/119949571:loading bodyWebView with template emit size of 2120.08-27 17:15:39.576  8972  8972 E Gmail   : ComposeActivity:Error adding attachment08-27 17:15:39.576  8972  8972 E Gmail   : fwt: FileNotFoundException when openAssetFileDescriptor.08-27 17:15:39.576  8972  8972 E Gmail   :  at fww.a(SourceFile:7)08-27 17:15:39.576  8972  8972 E Gmail   :  at fww.a(SourceFile:41)08-27 17:15:39.576  8972  8972 E Gmail   :  at dfb.a(SourceFile:308)08-27 17:15:39.576  8972  8972 E Gmail   :  at dhs.run(SourceFile:2)08-27 17:15:39.576  8972  8972 E Gmail   :  at dfb.a(SourceFile:71)08-27 17:15:39.576  8972  8972 E Gmail   :  at dfb.a(SourceFile:412)08-27 17:15:39.576  8972  8972 E Gmail   :  at dfo.a(Unknown Source:9)08-27 17:15:39.576  8972  8972 E Gmail   :  at adco.a(Unknown Source:6)08-27 17:15:39.576  8972  8972 E Gmail   :  at afet.a(SourceFile:2)08-27 17:15:39.576  8972  8972 E Gmail   :  at afeu.run(SourceFile:6)08-27 17:15:39.576  8972  8972 E Gmail   :  at afgx.run(Unknown Source:7)08-27 17:15:39.576  8972  8972 E Gmail   :  at java.util.concurrent.Executors$RunnableAdapter.call(Executors.java:458)08-27 17:15:39.576  8972  8972 E Gmail   :  at adag.run(SourceFile:2)08-27 17:15:39.576  8972  8972 E Gmail   :  at abno.run(Unknown Source:3)08-27 17:15:39.576  8972  8972 E Gmail   :  at android.os.Handler.handleCallback(Handler.java:873)08-27 17:15:39.576  8972  8972 E Gmail   :  at android.os.Handler.dispatchMessage(Handler.java:99)08-27 17:15:39.576  8972  8972 E Gmail   :  at android.os.Looper.loop(Looper.java:193)08-27 17:15:39.576  8972  8972 E Gmail   :  at android.app.ActivityThread.main(ActivityThread.java:6923)08-27 17:15:39.576  8972  8972 E Gmail   :  at java.lang.reflect.Method.invoke(Native Method)08-27 17:15:39.576  8972  8972 E Gmail   :  at com.android.internal.os.RuntimeInit$MethodAndArgsCaller.run(RuntimeInit.java:493)08-27 17:15:39.576  8972  8972 E Gmail   :  at com.android.internal.os.ZygoteInit.main(ZygoteInit.java:870)08-27 17:15:39.653  8972  8972 W Gmail   : Gmail:No collectionId found for event forward08-27 17:15:39.653  8972  8972 W Gmail   : Gmail:No itemId found for event forward08-27 17:15:39.682  8972  8972 W Gmail   : Gmail:No collectionId found for event forward08-27 17:15:39.682  8972  8972 W Gmail   : Gmail:No itemId found for event forward08-27 17:15:39.842  8972  8972 E Gmail   : Gmail:EditWebView JS Console: b/119949571:draft.editor.onLoad; source: file:///android_asset/draft_editor_gmail_compiled.js at 8708-27 17:15:39.917  8972  8972 E Gmail   : Gmail:EditWebView JS Console: b/119949571:draft.editor.onLoad is finished; source: file:///android_asset/draft_editor_gmail_compiled.js at 88

Using the "content://" Uri reports a similar error except for the line: fwt: Null AssetFileDescriptor while calling openAssetFileDescriptor.

[Snip of manifest]<provider android:name="android.support.v4.content.FileProvider" android:authorities="com.pentad.bridge.fileprovider" android:exported="false" android:grantUriPermissions="true"><meta-data android:name="android.support.FILE_PROVIDER_PATHS" android:resource="@xml/file_provider_paths"/></provider>

[File file_provider_paths.xml]<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?><paths xmlns:android="http://schemas.android.com/apk/res/android"><external-path name="app_root" path="."/></paths>

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